I was at another Polar Bear Grand Tour run yesterday to the Firehouse Eatery in Rahway, NJ. I ran into two riders who were set to start down to Daytona Bike Week after the ride. One of these riders was the third owner of my wife's 1990 Honda PC-800. He had attached a gigantic trailer to the PC (see picture). See my article, Daytona, for more information about this rally.
This morning I saw a link from OrlandoSentinel.com that had a story and some videos from Daytona Bike Week. It had short videos about 1) accessories for disabled riders, 2) an airbrush artist, 3) the Spyder Roadster trike, and 4) a 125-mile setup by a Harley dealer to let you see the sights in central Florida. Take a look.
There have also been reports of deaths at the the rally. That's not unusual considering the huge number of bikes concentrated in a small area. Rallies, especially Daytona, are meant for motorcyclists to gather on their bikes, look at and talk about bikes, buy accessories and chrome, eat good food, check out the scenery, and have a good time in the sun. I pray that the rally continues to fulfill these objectives with no more accidents. Be Safe.
This morning I saw a link from OrlandoSentinel.com that had a story and some videos from Daytona Bike Week. It had short videos about 1) accessories for disabled riders, 2) an airbrush artist, 3) the Spyder Roadster trike, and 4) a 125-mile setup by a Harley dealer to let you see the sights in central Florida. Take a look.
There have also been reports of deaths at the the rally. That's not unusual considering the huge number of bikes concentrated in a small area. Rallies, especially Daytona, are meant for motorcyclists to gather on their bikes, look at and talk about bikes, buy accessories and chrome, eat good food, check out the scenery, and have a good time in the sun. I pray that the rally continues to fulfill these objectives with no more accidents. Be Safe.
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