My previous blog entry -- done for April Fools Day -- discussed how motor scooters might form the basis of a new economic stimulus plan. Irrespective of the veracity of that article, it is a fact that motor scooters are gaining new respect among motorcyclists and the non-riding public as well. Being able to get more than 50+ mpg means a lot in this new $3-4 per gallon world.
I'm seeing more and more motor scooters on the road. The high price of gas seems to be driving both motorcyclists and regular folks to look into acquiring a motor scooter. They're relatively cheap to buy, cheap to operate, and fun to ride.
To showcase some of these motor scooters, I've just opened a gallery of motor scooter pictures as submitted by visitors to the Motorcycle Views site.
One of the biggest features on the Motorcycle Views site is Moto Pics, where visitors to the site can display and describe their motorcycles. There are some motor scooter pictures in Moto Pics. To get the new gallery going, I have extracted these motor scooter pictures from Moto Pics and from the old site.
We need your help
Are you a motor scooter rider? Send in a picture of you and your scooter. We will place it in the Motor Scooter Picture Gallery. Submit a picture and description today. These pictures will also become part of Moto Pics.
Take a look at the Motor Scooter Picture Gallery. You'll also find a link there to submit your own motor scooter picture.
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