Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Winning the Miss America Pageant for Dummies

First tip, is follow this blog. Almost every day I can come up with some good stuff for you to use on your interviews, like the Antichrist Spotters Guide.

It used to be that the beauty pageant contestants only needed to make statements like "I want world peace", and they could get by on the interview segment. But now the questioners are throwing curve balls like "Do you support gay marriage" which seems like a trap that you just can't win whether you answer yes or no. Here is my advice on that question. A few days ago, Miss California answered something like "In my country I support opposite marriage", which of course will make many people angry, especially the judges.

So even though Miss California had an obvious advantage in the physical attributes, she lost enough points in the mental part to take second place.

Miss California thought she lost because she was a devout Christian, and had to give the answer from the bible or she would not be showing her love for Jesus. But actually, there was another way to win.

Jesus was very skillful at answering tricky questions, and many of his famous answers such as the "Throw the first stone" are a response the the very same kind of trap that questioners were setting for the beauty pageant. And the answers are all right there in the Bible for you to study, if you want to know how to handle the curve ball questions.

My advice is to look up some of the stuff Jesus actually said in the bible, such as "Judge not lest ye be judged". Or if you were to get the even tougher question "Are you in favour of slaughtering unborn babies" try this answer "Let he who is without sin throw the first stone."

If you belong to the "wimp Jesus" branch, you're probably OK with this advice. But you may have a problem with it if you belong to the "Strong Jesus" branch of Christianity.

The "strong Jesus" branch of Christianity believes that Jesus made several unfortunate choices of words in the sermon on the mount. My suggestion in case you are a "Strong Jesus" Christian, is to begin your answer by explaining why Jesus didn't mean what he said in your own words. That will at least make you sound like you do read the Bible think about things, instead of just repeating the words of TV evangelists.


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