The terms "Right" and "Left" on the political spectrum come from a historical reference to the French government dating back before the revolution. People who supported the King and the upper class, sat on the right of the King, and those who represented the unwashed masses sat on the left. Ever since then, the terms right and left have retained that same approximate meaning, politically at least.
Modern Republicans are called "right wing" because they are similar politically to the French right wing, who tended to favour robbing the poor to give to the rich, while the left favoured robbing the rich to give to the poor.
Where do the words "Right wing" and "Left wing" come from?
1. The position of the USA on the map of the world.
2. The position of France on the map of the world.
3. Because the right wing is right about everything and the loonie lefties are wrong.
4. Because Hitler will sit to the right of Obama when they meet in hell.
5. Because of a PowerPoint presentation where Republicans were on the right side of a graph.
6. A name that comes from the French Government seating arrangement used in the Revolution.
Republicans, dictators, and Nazis are also put on the right of the political spectrum, but that is simply because they all believe like the King of France, that all power comes from the top and benefits should all go to the top, except those that "trickle down".
On the Left (remember, it's just a word, not a place you can go), you have politicians who think that the poor should share power with the wealthy. Whether or not they deserve it.
Now to finish up this course, you get to watch a Conservative (I'm guessing) youtube video that "clears up all this confusion" about the political spectrum by inventing a new political spectrum that places all the bad guys on the left, and the good guys in the middle, and Anarchists on the right, then chops off the Anarchists and voila: Good guys on the right, bad guys on the left, no more confusion.
Here are some quotes from the video. Answer 3 questions at the end and you can qualify for your Ph. D. Put your answer in the comment below. I will grade your answer and send you the Ph. D. with an educational standing equal to any conservative university, just cheaper.
"It's helpful to address the confusion that has been spread about the political spectrum. Many have been led to believe that the political spectrum places groups such as communists on the far left, fascists or dictators on the far right, and political moderates or centrists in the middle. However a more accurate political spectrum will show Government having zero power on the far right, to having 100% power on the far left. At the extreme right, there is no government.
The extreme left features total government under such labels as communism, socialism, nazism, fascism prices, potentates, dictators, Kings, etc.
Those that claim that Nazis and Fascists are right wing, never define their terms. This amounts to spreading confusion.
Toward the middle of the political spectrum can be found the type of government limited to its proper role of protecting the rights of the people. That's where the constitution of the United States is. Those who advocate such a form of government are really constitutional moderates."
1. When "the government is limited to its proper role of protecting the rights of the people", which people are being protected?
a. All the people including illegal aliens
b. The wealthy
c. People who are deserving of protection, but not those who are undeserving.
d A and B as they are the same.
2. Those who wrongly place Nazis on the right are spreading what?
a. confusion
b. logic
c. bad karma
d. the word of the Lord
3. Those who "never define their terms" for Nazi are forgetting to define which characteristics of the Nazis?
a. Use of torture
b. Tendency to invade other countries
c. Government spying on their own people
d. Disregard for human rights
e. Propaganda against certain racial groups.
f. They forgot all of the above
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