Thanks to inspiration from a tiddler fan named PJ, a Sears Technician who has commented as delta69 on the Allstate Compact page, I have rounded up a decent photo of the very rare SR 125. As PJ has stated, the SR 125 was sold in 1968-69 from the Sears catalog and stores. I don't think I have ever seen one of these except in the catalog. I may have seen an SR 125 in a Sears store back when they were being sold, but if so, I do not recall it. I certainly have never seen one on the street! As I remember it, this model was sold in only one color combination, red and silver, as in the photo. PJ says the model had 17" wheels, which appears to be true from this example. The 125cc single used a chrome bore and a distinctive radial head. You can see from the styling, particularly the gas tank, that this was a contemporary of the later Puch 250 Twingle. I do not recall exactly how this marketing plan fit in with the Gilera 106 and 124. According to the last catalog photo found in the Allstate Gallery, the 106 was sold alongside the SR 125, at least for a time. My best guess is that the Gilera 124 was not. The photo in the gallery is listed as 1967, when PJ says the model was a '68-'69-only. I cannot vouch for the 1967 date, as that statement came from elsewhere.
PJ has also mentioned that the Compact came in white in its last year of production. I have no doubt that this is true: I think I remember seeing at least one somewhere; however, I do not have a photo of a white Compact to back up this apparent fact. PJ mentioned a white Vespa model, too, and if you look at the Allstate Gallery, you will see a white Vespa paired with a red one. Thanks again to PJ for the new info!
I have been working on a new 2010 edition of my 2002 powerboat book, so Tiddlerosis has been ignored recently. I hope I can post more often soon.
See also: The Allstate Page
Allstate Scrambler
Allstate Compact (with PJ's original comments)
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