Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Truth About Modeling & Education

(This post is not in reference to modeling conventions, taking modeling classes or going to school while modeling. For more info on those topics, check out: "The Deal with Modeling Conventions", "Modeling Schools" and "Modeling & School")

Modeling isn't rocket science but it isn't exactly the easiest career path to choose, either. Many new and aspiring models falsely believe that there are certain educational requirements that are needed in order to pursue modeling. To make things very clear I am going to type in all caps (sorry for the online shouting but I'm hoping this message will be crystal clear): YOU DO NOT NEED ANY TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS TO BECOME A MODEL!

That means you do NOT need any of the following if you want to model:

- Diploma
- Degree
- Certificate
- Other related degrees or documents

Modeling is not a 9-5 job that you apply for. The nature of this business does not call for the completion of special classes or showing a "modeling degree" or "modeling diploma." Believe it or not, I get asked by a fair amount of people about how to obtain such certification. There is none involved. The only requirements that will make or break your chances in the modeling industry include your height, your measurements, weight (to an extent--mainly if you wish to pursue fashion and runway), physical appearance, etc.

So the good news is that you can stick to high school and any college plans you might have--there is no need to devote time to searching for special modeling degrees that will somehow get your foot in the door with a top modeling agency. No such path exists. So do your homework, learn the industry, figure out where you fit in, find agencies in your area and start putting together the materials and photos they ask for. The rest is up to chance and a bit of luck!


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