That don"t run and look like crap, so I bought one.
First things first, off with the fairing, to the dump with those scuzzy looking saddlebags. But then I find out I need to replace the taillight mounts the headlight bucket, brackets and front signal lights not to mention after sitting for a few years in an abandoned granary it don't run so good any more.
After a generous supply of carb cleaner and Sea Foam in a furtive attempt to clear the carbs did I realize that the carbs had to be removed and cleaned. And what a cleaning they needed, after years of running up and down a gravel road they managed to accumulate enough gravel and sand in the float bowls to start their own road project.
Carb removal on a wing is not for the faint hearted and after a brief struggle with the linkage and getting the carb pack to clear the frame and out did I get a look at the mess I thought I was going to fix with Sea Foam.Cleaning was done with carb cleaner spray and some very fine wires to clean out the ports and I was very careful not to re-adjust the settings well it sat on the bench. Then after another brief struggle and colorful words sprayed at random around the shop I managed to re-attach the carbs, and what can I say other than it ran great, but the brushes in the starter decided to give out and it hasn't been running since I am still waiting for the parts to arrive to fix the starter.
While waiting for various parts to arrive from various parts of the northern hemisphere, I managed to score some new rear signal lights, headlight bucket and brackets and get all the signal lights and headlight working as well as attaching some new driving lights to the front of the bike.
My goal this year is just to get it up and running good and make sure it is going to be a reliable ride but I am still waiting for starter brushes, hand grips, windshield and a test ride.
Maybe next year I can address some new mufflers, some new paint and some new tires for the project but stay tuned I will update later on my progress.
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