Here is an extract from Erik Rush's pro-Republican propaganda piece entitled "Pimp psychology", comparing Democrat supporters to prostitutes supporting the pimp-like Democrat party.
"Something that used to puzzle me – and which I know puzzles a lot of people – is the attitude these women almost universally hold for the men who exploit, abuse and drug (and occasionally even knife) them, all the while taking the lion's share of their income.
Upon closer study, the rationale for these women enduring such treatment becomes apparent: They really believe their pimps care for them. Many are ferociously protective of these guys, routinely covering for them, and even fighting for them – physically, if necessary.
"How could this be?" you may say. Ah, but that's where frame of reference comes in. Granted that all of these unfortunate women start out with severe emotional and self-esteem problems, generated by a wide variety of circumstances. It's these circumstances that lead them to a lifestyle that the average American might find bizarre, but which is often simply a trade-off of one bizarre lifestyle for another.
In other words, it's all they know.
Which brings us back to the Democrat Party."
It's child's play to reverse this analogy to show the Republicans are actually the Pimps.
"Pimps taking the lion's share of the income"???? Pretty obvious: The rich, not the poor, are taking the lion's share of the income, this is actually so much of a no-brainer that you almost wonder how Erik Rush himself can hold such conflicted viewpoints simultaneously. The real pimps are the CEO's of the deregulated corporations such as Enron. Certainly not the ordinary middle class guy who lost his union job and is now greeting people at Wal-Mart. The rich are the hard core of the Republican party, and yes, I know some Republican supporters (e.g. Ann Coulter) claim that the Republicans are really the party of the poor. Well that comes under the definition of delusion which is another characteristic of the whores working for the pimps. It's the Republicans not the Democrats taking the lion's share of the income.
"Prostitutes fighting for their pimps"??? - If so, it's not the Democrats who like to fight for their pimps, it's the Republicans supporters signing up for the military, to secure oil supplies for Exxon Mobil. Blowing up the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma to protest Democrat President Clinton.
"Women start out with severe emotional and self-esteem problems"??? Who has more emotional and self esteem problems: a conservative who carries a loaded gun around with him all the time, or liberal who walks fearlessly down a public street with no weapon. Somebody who lives in a guarded, gated community, or somebody who lives in a public, open neighborhood. Somebody who thinks we should torture prisoners, or somebody who would rather sacrifice security rather than their human morals.
"the men who exploit, abuse and drug" ???? Not sure how the Democrat pimps abuse the Democrat Hoes, maybe with universal health care, unemployment insurance, minimum wages, and pensions? No, of course not. It's more like the Republicans to abuse the military vets by cutting VA hospital budgets. And as a drug, America as a country is addicted to oil. The Republican CEO's are trying to make sure that addiction never stops.
I'm sure there are lots more examples. It was so easy to turn around this bit of propaganda, I'm not surprised it was dropped right away from the right wing media. The only grain of truth I could find, that a conservative might be tempted to spin into a full blown delusional fantasy, is based on Black pimps and promiscuous whores. According to Republicans, pimps and whores vote Democrat. In every other way except for these stereotypes, the Pimp psychology is a better fit for the Republicans than the Democrats.
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