Unfortunately, the Republicans are not cooperating, and I decided to investigate why. First, the Republicans use this issue to drum up support from many Catholics and Christian Baptists and Evangelicals. It is a "vote cow" for them, and they have no real interest in making the issue disappear.
But other than the fact that it is a vote cow, I find several interesting contradictions in the Republican support for anti-abortionists. First is that they call themselves "Pro-Life" rather than "anti-abortion", which contradicts their pro-death penalty stance and pro-war stance. Second, that in spite of all their posturing, there has not been a decrease in the number of abortions in eight years Bush was in office. Third, the Republican policies are the most likely to increase the number of women seeking abortions, by taking away funding for single mothers, and reducing the social safety net for poor families.
Even though we can plainly see that many babies in poor countries die from starvation within a few years of their birth, the Republicans seem to ignore this plight which could be completely eliminated with just a fraction of their military budget. And yet, they are unwilling to fund clinics in poor countries that allow or even speak of abortion or birth control.
I am coming to the conclusion that in spite of all the nasty rhetoric coming from the conservatives about "baby killing Democrats", that it is the Democrats who are trying to reduce the number of abortions. Conservatives are not really interested in preserving life, as is apparent from every other issue they deal with. Other than getting votes, their interest in abortion is only because they want to punish the women for having sex. And when it comes to punishing people, conservatives are always up for it.
In spite of the fact that Obama is calling for help in reducing abortions, the conservatives are not cooperating. They paraded baby carriages with bloody doll babies at a recent address by Obama. And now they are falsely accusing* him of firing doctors who refuse to perform abortions.
If the Christian conservatives really wanted to save hundreds of thousands of abortions per year, they would simply drop the constant mindless propaganda and begin to cooperate. If they are just going to stick to this propaganda campaign, they might as well start call themselves baby killers.
False accusation:
http://www.lifenews.com/nat5068.html here is a quote from this page
"In 2008, the Bush administration issued a rule that prohibited recipients of federal money from discriminating against doctors, nurses and health care aides who refuse to take part in medical procedures to which they have religious or moral objections.
The rule implemented existing conscience protection laws that ensure medical professionals cannot be denied employment because they do not want to provide abortions.
Although federal law has long forbidden discrimination against health care professionals who refuse to perform abortions or provide referrals for them, the regulation required institutions that get federal funding to certify their compliance with laws protecting conscience rights.
It also promoted education within the medical community regarding their rights and provided an avenue of recourse in the event of discrimination through the Office of Civil Rights within HHS.
At the end of February, the Obama administration announced it began “reviewing” the regulations implementing conscience laws, the first step toward rescinding the rule altogether."
By the way there is one quote I put here "Reviewing the law is the first step towards rescinding it" is an outright propaganda statement - it is true, of course, but so is this: reviewing a law might be the first step toward rescinding it, or might be the first step in improving it, might lead to no change at all.
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