A few years ago while in Arizona I decided to put on my own sticker on the trunk of the BMW. "Warning: Rider carries less than $20 worth of ammo." I decided that would deter robbers, but I wasn't actually carrying any ammo, or a gun. It didn't seem to cause a problem at border crossings either.
I haven't been there for a couple of years, and with Obama in power, I assume many of the old Bush/Cheney stickers have now been removed. I was wondering what thought provoking stickers are on sale now, so here is a sample from the internet.
Right Wing Extremists: Jefferson, Adams, Madison and Me
Is this another person who forgot that Washington was the first president? And weren't there two Adams? The first Adams ran against Jefferson, so it couldn't be him. The second Adams defended the slaves on the Amistad, so he can't be right wing either. But at least the choice of Madison as a right wing extremist makes sense, because he invaded Canada.
Keep Working, Millions on welfare depend on you
Including the guy driving this truck, but which is he?
Speak English or go back to the sorry ass country you left.
This sticker would be more effective if it was any language other than English. In Canada, we think of things like that.
Except for ending Slavery, Fascism, Nazism, & Communism, war has never solved anything
Which war against Communism?
Bring Back Capitalism
The subtext is George W. Bush = Capitalism, Obama = Communism. One of the more subtle stickers.
Honk if you Voted for Obama, so I can give you the FINGER
Need help reading the Obama bumper stickers, eh?
Republicans Back by Popular Demand
Did I miss something?
Why Should I have to Press 1 for English
Because you're calling India.
Shut Up Hippy
This has got to be the world's slowest snappy comeback.
Can you think on your own or do you need the media to think for you?
This sticker could actually be conservative or liberal, you may need to judge by the licence plate and vehicle. Toyota Prius from California: any guesses?
Liberals have bumper stickers too, but not often seen unless you are on the West coast. I have no comments on these. I guess because they make sense to me.
Actually, guns do kill people
Get Real, Like Jesus would ever own a gun and vote Republican
Republicans are people too, mean greedy selfish people
GW Bush How dumb is too dumb?
Impeach Cheney first
War is terror
War is not pro life
Intolerance will not be tolerated
The picture is me and the BMW in El Rosario, Baja, Mexico in March 2004
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