The problem I have is when they try to blur the line between news and opinion. Going back to Fox News, Greta Van Susteren has a show that Fox News does not considered an opinion show. And yet, Greta may take a right wing character like Rush Limbaugh, and let him talk for 30 minutes interrupted only occasionally with a softball question. Actually, I would call those softer than softballs, more like a T-ball question. She sets it up, he hits it over the fence. That is a thinly disguised opinion show.
Look at this for a classic example of t-ball questions, where Rush gets to school Greta. Even Jay Leno had harder questions, and he's a comedian.
Here is for contrast, Greta Van Susteren's interview with representative Sheila Jackson Lee. But no teeing up the balls for Sheila to hit over the fence. Greta starts her off with "You better hurry up we don't have much time". Funny I didn't hear that with Rush. Also, Greta often interrupts, telling Sheila that her answers are too long, or she's not listening, or she is "profoundly" rude.
Even if you don't know or care about the issues, you can easily pick up on the dramatic contrast in body language, tone, and attitude toward the guest. (Jackson Lee happens to be a liberal and a Democrat)
Greta calls her show "news", after comparing these two, I would be inclined to call Greta's show an opinion piece. I did not cherry pick, these are honestly the first two interviews I looked at. I only wanted one Republican guest, one Democrat and I stopped there. I must be getting lazy, my new rule is called "two strikes you're out"
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