Haidir Rusdian that since at U Mild U Bikers Samarinda motor design showing work inspired by chopper ProStreet. One modification lulut jury Wahyudi said that the design modification of the current against Haidir Rusdian trapped modifications to designs that just stuck without regard to the function.
In addition to good aesthetics, the modifikator also directed to consider the function of the correct construction techniques. "To build a motor with this design is not an easy thing, can summon Haidir construction techniques in aesthetic order can still be driven by a motor with a comfortable and safe," said this famous builder.
Lulut also explained that only the U Mild U Bikers Festrack, participants are free to distribute modifications creativity and get to learning about the modification could then lead towards the builder. "The framework of the modification is the understanding of the work kontrusksi on each design of a motor that is so or manufacturer. When the modifications began to dare to change a motor that's so of course the change must be accompanied with the knowledge of good construction. From this and the modification of Indonesia will be the barometer of domestic motor industry mass, "explained the man from Yogyakarta.
Wahyudi lulut statement agrees, as a party organizer sponsors U Mild U Bikers Nasyiruddin Ahmad Festrack 2009 confirmed that U Mild is always committed to always give more to lovers of country modifikator course will be accompanied by truthful creativity appropriate learning process. "From the Get More, Learn More and More Fun expected the bikers especially modifikator can properly apply his creativity, for it will give U Mild appreciation to those who had begun to notice the conceptual creativity and understanding of good construction," he said. U Mild addition will provide for the modification pengharagaan choice nationally, U Mild will also provide a penjenjangan to those who win.
Darist Agus's work is not alone, Ari Guritno from Jakarta who has won best of the best National also makes the jury in awe. Ari board that uses the concept of tracks that later applied to the motor old Honda GL 100 in 1985 and expressed satisfaction at the same time proud of his work modifications.
"Apparently the jury at U Mild U Bikers Festrack very critical and not just follow the race to win, but the jury also share his knowledge about the construction. Opportunity to attend the prestigious event in the modification of any foreign countries is a very precious gift, "says Ari.
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