Is Santa a Socialist? Was Tiger Woods sober? Were the cops armed in Tacoma?
Now we are almost in December, and it is time to ask some hard questions about Santa Claus. Is he a socialist? It is well known that he hands out presents to illegal aliens and welfare people, and people of different races although not to people who are not Christian (hence the name "Christmas"). Also, it is known that Santa does not impose taxes on anyone but the elves at the north pole. So, it turns out that Santa is not really socialist, he is actually a faith based initiative. The capitalist free market system is safe for now.
Second shocking story, four cops gunned down in a coffee shop in Tacoma Washington, and the perpetrator gets away. Question, were they wearing their guns? If so, the gun owner clubs will not be able to say this tragedy could have been prevented with more guns. I have observed before that a gun is not a good defensive weapon, it is much more effective on offense. That has to do with the delay factor in deploying the gun during a surprise attack. For those of you into prophesy, I prophesied this tragic event a few days ago by linking to the movie "Volunteers" where John Candy played the part of "Tom Tuttle from Tacoma".
Third story: Was Tiger Woods sober when he had his accident? Because if he was drunk, this event would be of no interest to any sports fan in America. But if he was sober it is a scandal that could wreck his career. Say it ain't so, Tiger.
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