Sunday, May 31, 2009
New motorcycle and auto website Modifyrod.com

Obama's Changes

So has Obama done enough? It's pretty disappointing, if you look at it objectively. And yet he still has high approval ratings, and most people are willing to give him time to get things moving in the right directions. Most people understand that America is a big ship and can't turn on a dime.
But yet there is this nagging feeling that Bush managed to get his things done with plenty of speed. But I'm not sure this is fair. First of all, not much happened with the Bush administration until September 11. And most importantly, it is easier to make a mess than it is to clean it up. For example, you can wreck a car in a second, and it takes a month to rebuild it at a body shop. I expect it to take longer to set America back on track.
Actually, my only question is why do Americans, with such regularity, vote in the Republicans? Every time it's a disaster in the making. With the Republicans in power, the environment is destroyed, the rich make out like bandits, people lose jobs, the economy eventually tanks, wars are escalated, and so on. Finally Americans get so worn down they vote the Democrats back in to fix it up, which always takes more time than you would like.
American politics reminds me of a binge personality. Somebody who works all week to make a little money - that's like the Democrats in office. Then on the weekend, the Republican side of the personality comes out. It's party time, get drunk, break all the rules, get in a bar fight, pick up some prostitutes and get the clap, gamble away all the money, and get sick and hung over. Come Monday, the Democrats get back in and have to cure the hangover, then earn some money for the next weekend.
Old Age and Motorcycles

I remember not taking aging seriously when I was younger. I was probably about 40 years old when I attended a rally where a prize was awarded to the oldest motorcyclist. No, I don't have anything against awarding a prize to the oldest motorcyclist, but I started to get silly when they announced that he had died of old age on the way to the rally, and this would be awarded posthumously. I was remarking quietly to the people around me that this seemed a little unfair to the older people who were still living, and when one of my friends remarked that there was a lot of stiff competition in that category, I cracked up. Now I'm sixty and I am starting to take this aging stuff seriously.
A motorcycle made more sense when I was young because it was cheaper, and easier to maintain by myself, and got better gas mileage. Most of these benefits were related to cheapness, and I didn't have much money when I was young. Money is not in such short supply any more, but now I have other reasons for motorcycling. Nostalgia is one, and I also appreciate the challenge to keep me mentally sharp, and the motivation to stay in shape. I guess instead of cheapness, the advantage of motorcycling in retirement has more to do with quality of life.
So what are some of these problems? My main problem right now is occasional pain sitting on the motorcycle related to an enlarged prostate and/or a bladder stone. I first noticed it last year with the frightening appearance of blood in my urine, and my doctor is suggesting it was caused by a bladder stone, which I think I will get removed next winter. Until then I'm making do with an old air mattress folded and strapped to the motorcycle seat.
Pain while riding is also coming from my back, which is not as resilient as it used to be. But this problem is far more predictable, and there's not much I can do about it through medical intervention. It's more to do with ergonomics and the motorcycle's suspension characteristics. I have mentioned BMW's new adjustable spring rate in an earlier blog, which I think may become widespread, maybe in a different form.
My eyesight is changing for the worse. It's not just a question of getting new eyeglasses, because I seem to have problem adjusting my focus. When I was younger I could read a book for an hour and then put it down and within seconds be able to focus on distant objects. Now I find that it sometimes takes me an hour to comfortable change my focus distance, and this makes the eyeglass prescription more critical, and also harder to determine.
It's hard to tell if my mental abilities are changing. Maybe because I'm thinking of the pain in my bladder, I make mistakes like shifting down instead of up going around a corner. My reaction times are probably slowing down - or is it because the foot brake on the Vulcan is a long reach from the floorboards?
I cannot maintain my bikes as easily as I used to. I'm not as flexible, not as strong. I make as many mistakes, but now I also have less self confidence, so I tend to give up more easily than I used to.
What can be done? I would think that the choice of motorcycle could help. For instance a Burgman scooter is much easier to ride than my Vulcan. Lighter, and with a step through design. No shifting gears, no foot pedals, low seat. I don't need to give up the Vulcan in favour of the Burgman yet, but I'm thinking of the future. I am not interested in the three wheelers, I would probably opt for a car if it came to that, for example a Miata convertible - or maybe one automaker will figure out what I want and make it, like they did with the minivan when I had three young children.
This is just the first blog on aging and riding a motorcycling. If this is typical of everything in my life, being a baby boomer, as I get older I will start to notice more and more attention in the media being paid to my situation. I mean that because of our numbers, at each stage of life we come to, our concerns become fads or fashions, or major disasters.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Who is Really Trying to Reduce Abortions?

Unfortunately, the Republicans are not cooperating, and I decided to investigate why. First, the Republicans use this issue to drum up support from many Catholics and Christian Baptists and Evangelicals. It is a "vote cow" for them, and they have no real interest in making the issue disappear.
But other than the fact that it is a vote cow, I find several interesting contradictions in the Republican support for anti-abortionists. First is that they call themselves "Pro-Life" rather than "anti-abortion", which contradicts their pro-death penalty stance and pro-war stance. Second, that in spite of all their posturing, there has not been a decrease in the number of abortions in eight years Bush was in office. Third, the Republican policies are the most likely to increase the number of women seeking abortions, by taking away funding for single mothers, and reducing the social safety net for poor families.
Even though we can plainly see that many babies in poor countries die from starvation within a few years of their birth, the Republicans seem to ignore this plight which could be completely eliminated with just a fraction of their military budget. And yet, they are unwilling to fund clinics in poor countries that allow or even speak of abortion or birth control.
I am coming to the conclusion that in spite of all the nasty rhetoric coming from the conservatives about "baby killing Democrats", that it is the Democrats who are trying to reduce the number of abortions. Conservatives are not really interested in preserving life, as is apparent from every other issue they deal with. Other than getting votes, their interest in abortion is only because they want to punish the women for having sex. And when it comes to punishing people, conservatives are always up for it.
In spite of the fact that Obama is calling for help in reducing abortions, the conservatives are not cooperating. They paraded baby carriages with bloody doll babies at a recent address by Obama. And now they are falsely accusing* him of firing doctors who refuse to perform abortions.
If the Christian conservatives really wanted to save hundreds of thousands of abortions per year, they would simply drop the constant mindless propaganda and begin to cooperate. If they are just going to stick to this propaganda campaign, they might as well start call themselves baby killers.
False accusation:
http://www.lifenews.com/nat5068.html here is a quote from this page
"In 2008, the Bush administration issued a rule that prohibited recipients of federal money from discriminating against doctors, nurses and health care aides who refuse to take part in medical procedures to which they have religious or moral objections.
The rule implemented existing conscience protection laws that ensure medical professionals cannot be denied employment because they do not want to provide abortions.
Although federal law has long forbidden discrimination against health care professionals who refuse to perform abortions or provide referrals for them, the regulation required institutions that get federal funding to certify their compliance with laws protecting conscience rights.
It also promoted education within the medical community regarding their rights and provided an avenue of recourse in the event of discrimination through the Office of Civil Rights within HHS.
At the end of February, the Obama administration announced it began “reviewing” the regulations implementing conscience laws, the first step toward rescinding the rule altogether."
By the way there is one quote I put here "Reviewing the law is the first step towards rescinding it" is an outright propaganda statement - it is true, of course, but so is this: reviewing a law might be the first step toward rescinding it, or might be the first step in improving it, might lead to no change at all.
Motorcycle Pictures of the Week - Georgjean and Jared

If you'd like to see your bike as Picture of the Week, submit a picture of you and your bike along with a description of the bike.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Buell Ulysses XB12X

With long-travel suspension, generous 171mm ground clearance, and aggressive Pirelli Scorpion Sync tyres, the Buell Ulysses XB12X can carry its rider over dirt, gravel and other unpaved road surfaces. On smooth pavement, the XB12X is a high-performance sport motorcycle, ready to blitz through the twisties.
Wide Supermoto style handlebars gives the rider extra leverage and control behind wind deflectors and a two-piece windscreen designed to limit buffeting. The broad, torque-laden powerband of the 94-hp Buell Thunderstorm 1203cc V-Twin engine gives the Ulysses the ability to proceed at lower speeds over unpaved roads with less gear shifting, and the power to bomb down paved backroads.
more about buell XB12X [via] buell motorcycle
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Republican Southern Strategy

Just a little warning here, this blog contains references that may be offensive to people who hate Obama, who approve of torture, who want to kill all Muslims and liberals, who think the educational system and the media have a liberal bias, and believe that Hitler was a loony lefty.
Now here are my observations.
1. Barack Obama is black according to slave state definitions
2. In the southern USA, black people were kept as slaves
3. The people who voted against Barack Obama were concentrated in the slave owning states, as can bee seen from electoral maps.
Based on these observations I think there was some psychological trauma to the white people of the slave states, that has been handed down generation after generation. I believe the Republican party was able to tap into that dysfunction to gain fanatical core following, and win some big elections.
The slavery that evolved in the southern USA was on a scale that had never before been seen in the history of the world. This type of slavery was made possible with sailing ships and the "discovery" of America. It's possible that the long sea voyage also was a critical ingredient in slavery's final perverted form. The extreme racism and slavery in the southern USA created a massive breakdown of the normal taboos against torture, mutilation, whipping, and rape. The white people even turned their own mixed race children into slaves. Anyone who thinks this can be done with no mental damage has not studied the psychology of parenthood.
You can't see outward signs of this trauma, you need time to study the behaviour patterns, as the Republican strategists did.
Southerners sincerely believed in their own goodness, even while torturing, lynching, and raping slaves. Obviously you would need to shut down part of your brain to swallow that contradiction. Knowing that, a Republican political strategist could take advantage of these weaknesses:
- Plain and simple ignorance - denial of science, reason, and education.
- People who are easily brainwashed by religion, fairy tale history and fake news
When slavery needs to be maintained by terror and violence, you live in constant state of fear, fear not only of black people but even fear of white people who do not share your racist views. This can lead to obsessions with guns and the military, and with theories of racial superiority. The Republican party has used the fear, hate, and love of guns and war to their advantage.
What happens when rape of slaves by the white owners becomes widespread? A breakdown of normal sexuality and family values, to be replaced by worries about homosexuality, incest, and bestiality. The southern obsession with Family Values, God and Honour is an overcompensation for their perverted history. Republicans have taken advantage of the southern sexual obsessions.
Southern conservatives also harbour a distrust of tolerant, educated people i.e. liberals. And they have a fear of the free press. The Republicans discovered that this was the perfect audience for fake TV news channel, and radio talk shows to feed the delusions, to spread their party propaganda of fear and hate.
That's why there are so many angry gun toting conservatives in the USA, and the endless propaganda also explains why the conservatives think the liberals are crazy, brainwashed, Godless socialist baby killing, homosexual traitors voting for Obama.
Giving Slavery a Bad Name

But Pakistan is not the only country to worry about. Very few commentators on US affairs spend much time analyzing the racist/fundamentalists in the USA, or wondering what is going on in between the former confederate slave states that support the Republican party, and the former free states of the union that support the Democratic Party. Is there a battle for control similar to Pakistan? Maybe not outright fighting yet, but politically, the US is boiling.
I am going to try to explain how the legacy of slavery still has an influence on policy in the USA. And why that is important to the fate of not only the USA but the rest of the world.
Slavery in the USA was violent and perverted. I know you might think violent slavery is redundant, but it is not. Racism existed before slavery in the USA, and slavery existed before the slave states of America. However, there was something about the southern USA that brought racism and slavery together and produced something that had not been seen before, and it's unfortunate that we don't really have a word for it.
The old definition of slavery is simply a person being forced to work without wages, and that person's labour can be bought or sold as economic conditions change. Although not necessarily part of the definition, physical coercion is often required. Hence the stereotypical galley slave and the guy with the whip walking up and down the gangplank making sure nobody is getting a free ride.
Slavery existed all over the world, often involving prisoners of war. The Bible accepts slavery as a fact of life. Almost every race on earth did some of it.
But there were some subtle and not so subtle changes that occurred in the southern USA where slavery mutated to a new and perverted level.
What were some of the mitigating factors of old style Biblical slavery? For one thing, there was a way out. Usually there was a time limit, or a generational limit. If you were a slave, you, or your children could be free one day. Although you had to work as a slave, you could go home and plant a vegetable garden. If you had life long slavery, you were still permitted to marry and have children and raise those children. You still had the possibility of human interaction where you could earn the respect of your master. Say, for example that a slave saved his master's life through some act of bravery. Although still a slave, you could see there might be some human gratitude and respect. These things are important. And if conditions became too unbearable you could run away or commit suicide or abort your babies.
What types of things happened in the Southern USA that turned nice Biblical slavery into sick and perverted slavery. Well there were a few simple things. First we need to remember that southern slavery evolved into a combination of racism and slavery. While it was theoretically possible for blacks to own whites, in practice this did not happen.
Here is one seemingly little thing. Slave owners in the south were required by law to punish their slaves for certain offences, and I don't mean a fine of a few dollars, which they didn't have anyway. Mandated punishments included mutilation and whipping. If you think about the ramifications of this for a few minutes, you will realize that no matter what kind of rapport might be built up on a human level between master and slave, it was utterly destroyed by this external requirement of brutality. Not only was mercy rare, it was not even permitted.
Here is another seemingly little thing, which was degrading both to the slave and the slave owner. The child of a female slave had to also be a slave. Two things here. First, it meant slavery was unending, even to the children of the children. But far worse, it allowed slave masters to breed with their female slaves without concern about illegitimate offspring. Rape was common. And contributing to the inhumanity, was that the slave master's own children were born into perpetual slavery.
The people in the southern USA justified their sick and twisted form of slavery by pointing to the Bible, and reminding people that the Bible condoned slavery. Yes, it did, you sick perverts, but not that kind of slavery.
Also, the slave states of the southern USA also pointed the finger at Africa, where they said the black people were involved in slavery themselves. Yes, they did have slavery, but not your kind of slavery.
Unfortunately there has never been a real distinction made between different types of slavery. And Douglas Blackmon argued that the "neoslavery" following the Civil War was even worse than the "slavery" before emancipation. And this carried on until the civil rights era, where northern liberals finally put an end to segregation in the south.
What made this all the more devastating to the world was the context of this perversion of classic slavery took place in the first important democratic country of modern times, and was done on such a devastatingly large scale.
This problem has not gone away, we still have the United States of America approximately divided along slave states/free states lines, with the corresponding different world view with respect to violence and to people of other skin colour. One example of this is the controversy about torture, and treatment of prisoners. Also a major difference on the idea of war - JFK, a northern liberal, said "America will never start a war", but the conservative former slave owners add "unless we feel threatened". And at this point, everyone needs to understand there are two very different ideas of civilization still competing for control of a military machine that can lay waste to the rest of the world.
Piaggio MP5 - classic motorcycle

Before the Vespa, Piaggio had a scooter called "Donald Duck" (MP5), manufactured and tested in several versions. Later the project was shelved, and never went into production.
classic motorcycle,
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Husaberg FE 650

Husaberg is a young Swedish company that, according to their website, was founded by "racing freaks". They specialize in supermoto and enduro motorcycles.
Nowadays, Husaberg motorcycles are manufactured in their mother company (KTM) but the development department is still in Sweden.

Husaberg FE 650 photo taken [via] Paris Motorcycle Show 2007.
Motorcycle Accessories: the Personal Touch
I know you shop around for the best deal. I do, too. Comparing prices for motorcycle accessories is a lot of work. And it's not always an apples-to-apples comparison.
When you're comparing prices and features, can you call the company to ask questions like:
"What is the best way to mount a GPS or iPod on my motorcycle?"
"What can I expect when I decide to add a camera or a cup holder to my ride?"
Are you calling a big chain store that specializes in large lot pricing? Or do you want to talk to a real live person who answers the phone quickly and returns calls right away?
We ride and use our products, so we can help you, whether you ride a Harley or a Honda Gold Wing ... or a Kawasaki Vulcan (like me!) or Suzuki C90. Maybe you're a Valkyrie rider, or you're shopping for your wife, who rides a Yamaha V-Star.
We know that bikers value quality, not just price. We like how our bikes look and we want the best parts and accessories that enhance that look. And the old saying really is true: "you get what you pay for"!!
We try to make it easy to find a high quality, solid, dependable and affordable way to mount GPS, digital camera, video camera, cell phone, PDA, iPhone, iPod, and other hands-free accessories for your cruiser. And we're proud to sell the parts that give riders the best results: high-quality, good looking, sturdy, adjustable and easily mounted and removed.
For more details: www.leadermotorcycle.com
When you're comparing prices and features, can you call the company to ask questions like:
"What is the best way to mount a GPS or iPod on my motorcycle?"
"What can I expect when I decide to add a camera or a cup holder to my ride?"
Are you calling a big chain store that specializes in large lot pricing? Or do you want to talk to a real live person who answers the phone quickly and returns calls right away?
We ride and use our products, so we can help you, whether you ride a Harley or a Honda Gold Wing ... or a Kawasaki Vulcan (like me!) or Suzuki C90. Maybe you're a Valkyrie rider, or you're shopping for your wife, who rides a Yamaha V-Star.
We know that bikers value quality, not just price. We like how our bikes look and we want the best parts and accessories that enhance that look. And the old saying really is true: "you get what you pay for"!!
We try to make it easy to find a high quality, solid, dependable and affordable way to mount GPS, digital camera, video camera, cell phone, PDA, iPhone, iPod, and other hands-free accessories for your cruiser. And we're proud to sell the parts that give riders the best results: high-quality, good looking, sturdy, adjustable and easily mounted and removed.
For more details: www.leadermotorcycle.com
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Motorcycling Propaganda

To set the scene, which is always important to the mood of every trip, I was 21 years old, it was December 31, 1969 and I had just taken possession of my first motorcycle. Actually my first motorized vehicle. The last time I had ridden a motorcycle was once before in Canada, for a few seconds before wheelying it onto somebody's lawn and falling off, then handing back to the owner.
My bike was a brand new candy blue Honda CD175 I bought at Michal's motors in Freetown Sierra Leone, West Africa. I needed to get this motorcycle home, and so the salesman pointed the bike "up country", and handed it over for me to sit on. I had a 135 mile trip ahead of me.
Obviously, I was going to need first gear, which the salesman explained was down. Yeah, I knew that from last time I rode a bike. But where was second gear? Up. OK I got it. Let's go. I put on my helmet. The mechanic looked at me in disbelief. "What's that for?" "In case I crash it protects my head." He thought this was the funniest thing he ever heard, either that or he rolls on the ground laughing for every joke he hears. This debut was going to be a triumph or a debacle, either way there were quite a few people standing around for the free show no matter how brief it would be.
I pushed the start button, clicked into first, let out the clutch and I was off. This part of the road was paved, but there was traffic and I had to remember "stay on the left", because that's how they all drove. There were only four gears, and soon I was in the top gear, moving at about 40 mph. Which was the fastest I had ever gone on two wheels. It was very hot that day, as usual, and once the adrenaline subsided, I noticed a benefit of riding a motorcycle, which was I was cooled by an incredible blast of air. Normally, I could not spend much time outdoors in Africa because the sun was so hot, and so I had no sun tan at all even after 4 months of living there.
So now I'm moving and I'm seeing scenery. What's so great about that you may ask? Well I had not seen this scenery before because my usual transportation was in the back of a closed in truck sitting on a wooden bench. So I didn't even know the way home, and I had no map. And no, I could not stop at a gas station to buy one. I would be lucky if I could stop at a gas station and buy gas. The scenery was beautiful actually. Mountains, blue sky, elephant grass, palm trees overhanging the road, thatched roof huts with mud walls, lots of people walking beside the road waving to me. Goats and chickens crossing the road in front. As I got out in the open country, I tried opening the throttle more, and found myself flying along at 60 mph. And it really did feel like flying. A Honda 175 is so small you forget it's there, there's almost no bike in front of you, but you're still sitting higher than in a car.
OK so the rest of the trip was pretty much more of the same, so in case you're not persuaded that this was more fun than any ride you have ever had - have you ever had a ride where the roads were lined with topless teenage girls waving to you? I didn't think so.
Husqvarna 250CR
1974 Husqvarna 250CR por The Yankee Guido, from huskyclub

1974 was again a milestone year for the leader of motocross competition motorcycles. The "Mag 250" was Husqvarna's ability to market to the public a true "works" caliber motorcycle. The "Mag 250" had an all magnesium engine case, reed valve intake, new swing arm with shocks moved foward, built in silencer on the expansion chamber, + more. This bike is still one of the most sought after AHRMA competition motocross bikes. It is both strikingly beautiful and quite a performer in the Sportsman classes.

This MK series Husky was the first year for the magnesium alloy, reed valve 250 engine. This model was an immediate success in the hands of privateers. Light and powerful, this model was more along the lines of of a true ultimate works motocross model that had been exclusive to 63-68 models. Mag 250 had the shock position on the swing arm moved foward, a newer generation expansion chamber with built in silencer, white plastic fenders, Akront alloy rims, and small front hub.

1974 was again a milestone year for the leader of motocross competition motorcycles. The "Mag 250" was Husqvarna's ability to market to the public a true "works" caliber motorcycle. The "Mag 250" had an all magnesium engine case, reed valve intake, new swing arm with shocks moved foward, built in silencer on the expansion chamber, + more. This bike is still one of the most sought after AHRMA competition motocross bikes. It is both strikingly beautiful and quite a performer in the Sportsman classes.

This MK series Husky was the first year for the magnesium alloy, reed valve 250 engine. This model was an immediate success in the hands of privateers. Light and powerful, this model was more along the lines of of a true ultimate works motocross model that had been exclusive to 63-68 models. Mag 250 had the shock position on the swing arm moved foward, a newer generation expansion chamber with built in silencer, white plastic fenders, Akront alloy rims, and small front hub.
Motorcycles: Adjustable Rear Spring Rate

Not surprisingly, this technical innovation appeared on the German BMW K1300GT/S models. Since the late 80's BMW motorcycles have shown a remarkable no-nonsense approach to motorcycling innovations. Harley Davidson has resolutely stuck to it's old V-twin designs, and it's greatest suspension changes have come in the form imitating the look of an old fashioned hard tail suspension or of the old springer forks. The engineers at BMW have more often erred on the side of doing something really new, which nobody ever expected, and which nobody even knew they needed until BMW produced it. One example would be BMW's adjustable windshield, which was at first mocked, and then furiously imitated, because it really works, and we really need it.
A word about the K1300 models first. When BMW motorcycles first went to water cooling in the eighties, there was a strong backlash against this heretical form of keeping cylinders at a constant temperature. In order to keep their faithful customer base happy, BMW had to backtrack and come up with a new two cylinder motorcycle that did not use water based coolant. In other words, like they used to be, for customers who were not ready to move into the modern world. From that time forward, BMW has kept two roughly equivalent models, one for the traditionalists, and the other for the technologically inclined. The K1300 is the bike that carries the technology banner for BMW. And if there were such a person as "The most interesting man in the world" I'm pretty sure he would ride this bike, and not the air cooled R1200 which is the traditionalist model. Here is a link to a video of what it's like to ride the water cooled K1200GT model with about 150 horsepower.
OK enough BMW insiders propaganda for now, and back to the actual suspension.
The adjustable spring rate was accomplished by adding a cushion ring on top of the spring, which is actually the only adjustable part. This cushion absorbs the smaller bumps, and when it is fully compressed, then the main steel coil spring begins to to its job. Here is a link to show the details. It is called ESA 2 for electrically adjusted suspension 2. The first ESA did not adjust spring rate.
I was hoping for a rear suspension using a crank lever similar to my Vulcan 900, except with an electrically adjustable extra link. But I don't know how much more expensive it would be, or even if it can be done at all. The only disadvantage would be you could only put it on the back, while this BMW cushion system can work on any coil spring.
Until I become the most interesting man in the world, I can approximate the BMW adjustable spring rate, and save my rear end, by strapping an old air mattress to the top of my motorcycle seat.
Monday, May 25, 2009
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