Friday, May 1, 2009

Cenk Uygur, on "The Young Turks"

I have been wanting to do a blog on Cenk Uygur for a couple of weeks now. He is my latest favourite left wing commentator, after Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. He is on "The Young Turks" channel on Youtube.

Now that Obama is president, it might be time for a slightly different approach to the left wing news commentary. We no longer really need the twisted sarcasm and intellectual humour of the Comedy Network. Not only that, but as the Republicans get ever more ridiculous in their views, it is time for regular people to take up the task of commenting on them. Cenk is the man for this.

Like most left wing commentators, Cenk is pretty secular in his outlook. Similar to Jon Stewart (Jewish origin) and Stephen Colbert (Catholic origin). Cenk is Moslem origin, and lived in Turkey until he was eight. One thing they all seem to have in common, is the absence of religious fanaticism.

You might wonder how can Moslem, Jew, Catholic all end up with a similar outlook? Well once you take away the specific rituals of organised religions there seems to be a common cause underneath. It is that morality common to all decent human beings. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". It's not complicated, and maybe if everybody thought that way we would finally live in harmony. Except of course what do you do with all the people who cannot accept this simple morality? They will never change, but at least it would be nice to get rid of the artificial differences between decent people and unite them in one common cause.

Here is one of the latest videos from Cenk, wherein he slams the right wing commentators for blaming the Swine Flu on illegal immigrants and terrorists. Cenk does it in his own blissfully uncomplicated style.


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