Friday, May 1, 2009

My 100th Blog Entry

I can't believe I have posted 100 blogs since I started on November 30, 2008. My subjects have been mainly related to motorcycling or propaganda. Motorcycling has included driving tips, technical stuff, nice roads and bikes. The propaganda started with some myths about Nazi propaganda and also included some current propaganda, religion and politics. Because I consider all those to be bound up with propaganda. I ended up with over 20 blogs about propaganda alone.

2009 is the fortieth anniversary of my first year as a teacher and a CUSO volunteer in in Sierra Leone. I found out that the current president of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma, might have been in my class at Magburaka Secondary School for Boys in 1969. He attended that school, and was 16 in 1969, the year I started teaching there. I don't have the actual class registry, and it's too long ago to remember all the names, but I do remember a few "discussions" on politics in my Physics class - proving once again that I have a hard time sticking to one subject. I am hopeful that he turns out to be a good president, Sierra Leone deserves it.

I also found a current picture on the Internet of my old house on the MSSB school compound, which has been partly destroyed by the war in the nineties. That war finally ended when Tony Blair sent British troops in on a peacekeeping mission. Some good things can be achieved by peacekeeping, but there is a right and a wrong way to go about it. I want to congratulate Tony Blair and the British peacekeepers for doing it the right way.


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