Monday, June 15, 2009

Close View Cub

No further modifications have been made to the Chopper Cub from the Metalflake Cub post, but this photo taken on the same day at the same location offers a closer view. The only reason I am showing both photos is that, although this photo is much closer, the previous one provides a better look at the unusual split exhaust pipe. I wish I had taken a close shot of the pipe because its design was actually quite elegant with three spindly, chrome plated support pieces holding it in place. Unfortunately, these few Instamatic Ektachrome shots are all I have of the Chopper Cub. The final photo will be posted in the next day or two, and you will realize what a shame it is that I did not shoot more pictures of it! The final incarnation of the Chopper Cub displayed several more changes, and I have only one decent slide of that variation!

See Also: Metalflake Cub, Night Cub, Lake Cub, and Mud Cub


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