Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize for Obama Sparks Controversy

With the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama has now broken the record for the most controversies by a single president, and still has three more years in his normal term. Here is the summary so far, I put them in categories for ease of reference. I have screened out controversies that were not a result of his decisions, for example a school forcing their second graders to sing a song about Obama, but without direct orders from the White House staff.

Clothing and Accessories
  • Wore "Mom" jeans to throw the first pitch in a baseball game
  • His wife has muscles on her arms and wears too many sleeveless dresses, and is apparently not proud of being an American.
  • Did not wear American flag lapel pin on some occasions when it would have been appropriate.

Revealing Statements
  • Called Pennsylvanian unemployed Republican supporters bitter, commented that they were clinging to guns and religion.
  • We should spread the wealth around. He was referring to $200 million dollar bonuses paid to bank execs who destroyed the US economy with their greed for performance bonuses.
  • Said his bowling score was like special Olympics, thus insulting mentally retarded whites.
  • Said police acted stupidly arresting his friend, a University professor in his own home, then releasing him. (Policeman: White Professor: Black)

Body Language
  • "Terrorist Fist Bumped" his wife on stage in a public rally. Despite the name of this act, no sex, violence or terrorism was actually involved.
  • Bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia, implying that Americans are subservient to Arabs. This would be OK if he was just a black man, but it is an abomination while he holds the title of POTUS, illegitimate or not.
  • Refusal to hold hand over heart during a national anthem. Photographic proof available.
  • His wife patted Queen of England on the tushie. (Caught on videotape)

  • Attended (for 20 years) a black Chicago Christian church where the pastor said "God Damn America" to the congregation, this is considered an unpatriotic statement from an uppity negro.
  • Attended a Muslim school, has a Muslim middle name and possibly also the first name.
  • Said that we might go to heaven through doing good things in life, thus undermining the very basis of TV Evangelistic Christianity. (Evangelists believe there is no salvation except through baptism in the Lord, and good work has nothing to do with it, hence the controversy.)

  • Ordered spicy mustard on his hamburger (Ketchup would have been the correct choice)

Adulation received
  • Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October 2009, but he was first nominated after only 12 days in office, making this award a sham. Anyhow another famous nominee? Hitler! To be fair, Hitler did not actually win, nominations are open to all and the first to make the nomination gets the official credit. The actual award was decided after 9 months in office.
  • Adored by all foreigners (Germans, French, English, Canadians, Muslims, Al Quaeda etc.)
  • Accepted a gift book on US Central American Policy from Hugo Chavez

Tyranny & Socialism
  • Wants to take guns away (this has not really started yet, but three policemen have died so far)
  • Gave televised speech to schoolchildren brainwashing them into working hard and staying in school, many parents kept their children home that day in protest of his attempt at leftist brainwashing.
  • Supports infanticide of American babies (also known as abortion to save pregnant mothers from dying during childbirth.)
  • Death panels to oversee killing of American grannies
  • Association with Acorn, a voter registration organization that registers a lot of fake black voters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, thus stealing the election and destroying the foundation of US democracy.

Foreign Policy
  • Ready to talk peace "without preconditions" i.e. waving the white flag of unconditional surrender to the enemy.
  • Asked Israelis to freeze settlement expansion
  • Dropped the European based missile defense shield (to be fair, this was an expensive system that did not work and was provoking counter measures from Russia, including Russians giving nuclear technology to Iran.)

Colour of Skin
  • I have to include this, as it is possibly the most controversial thing about him is that he is the first black president of the USA ever in history. But curiously it is not mentioned even by the most racist opponents?
  • He is not black enough (also a controversy.)

  • Does not produce his birth certificate on request
  • Does not release college and medical records

Sheer Incompetence
  • Uses a teleprompter for most speeches. I'm sorry I just do not understand this one no matter how hard I try to put my self in the mindset of a republican journalist. Because Republicans also use them!
  • Bailed out US banks and passed stimulus bill when none was needed (or a different one) Thus destroying free market capitalism and saddling the youth of America with a debt for generations.
  • Wants to reform Health Care when the USA already has the best Health Care on Earth (That is a Republican assertion)
  • Fired CEO of General Motors

Terrorist/Corrupt/Evil close pals
  • Tony Rezco
  • Illinois Governor Rod Blagoyevitch
  • Domestic terrorist from the sixties peace movement, William Ayers
  • Khalidi and Odigna (whoever they are)
  • Every democrat politician in Chicago

  • Sent kids to private school

Sexual Scandals
  • None

  • Slow to make a decision about sending 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan
  • Took three months to decide on a dog for the White House

War Crimes
  • no new ones

If you believe I am missing one, please leave it in the form of a comment, with the suggested category. I will add in the appropriate category if you don't suggest one.


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